Connect. Benefit.
Build an ecosystem.
Increase your impact doing what you love.
C-Linkers! Referral Programme
​​Wish you could help more people take rapid action?​
How about getting rewarded and recognised for increasing your positive impact to the world?
Ecosystems need network builders!
Building a vibrant ecosystem needs lots of connectors to bring it together.
Mycorrhizal fungi in our soils make the wood-wide web in nature.
We too need our linkers to become the association that builds the strongest profitable circular economy ecosystem.
The C-Linkers! programme is our way of financially rewarding and recognising those who help our ecosystem network grow big and strong.

Who are C-Linkers!?
We are connectors.
We love to share.
We love to create mutual value. ​
Doing what we love, we inject the soul into our ecosystem.
We grow our ecosystem's ability to solve the climate crisis.
We help it gather resources and talents.
We rapidly change our world at scale.​

Director of Learning and Development
The community is amazing. I joined the few weeks of study group on the new ISO standards on circular economy and met people from different countries. It's inspired me to consider how I can use my many spheres of influence to solve this crisis.

CEO of climate solution provider
This community is different in terms of speed of action. It's not just networking but rapid referrals to bring the right people together. I've benefitted from being referred and I want to refer forward to solve this climate crisis faster.

CEO of packaging company
I've often wondered how I can multiply what I can do beyond just my own business and I found that community that actively takes action together instead of just talking about the issue is what motivates me. Glad to be part of this movement.
What do C-Linkers! do?
C-Linkers! help to recruit and grow our Supporter, Clientele and Connector base by informing people about what the association is doing and engaging them to take the next step of getting in touch with the association. You can choose how you would like inform and engage your audience and CBASS supports you with material that you can share.
Some C-Linkers! prefer to do so on social media posts and messages like LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp updates, WeChat moments etc. Some prefer sharing with their personal contact such through as direct messages or emails. Some prefer sharing in person when they meet people at events, meetings, gatherings. You do you, there’s no right or wrong way.
Once the introduction is made, the CBASS team then takes over the acquisition process so that you don't need to invest more time and effort to handle questions, clarifications, follow-ups, payment details etcetera. And when there are successful payments received from the sign-up, we share some of it back to you.

Since we started just over a year ago, our commuity has brought:​
🔥 networking event outcomes that brought together million dollar potential deals that could solve the climate situation
🚀events attended by the likes of the former Chief Technology Officer of Huawei, Mr Paul Scanlan as a guest speaker
💥 MOUs signed with high-level organisations like the Hainan International Carbon Emissions Exchange (HNCEX), China's only internationally facing carbon exchange and the London Climate Tech Show
💫 onboarded advisors that have billions in Assets Under Management and experiences like techUK Climate Council
🔥 joint events with Singapore Exchange (SGX), Economist Impact, London Climate Action Week, Advanced Innovation and Manufacturing Asia
What support do I get?
We don't expect you to spend hours crafting an introduction text or coming out with shareable material. We got you covered. Jumpstart your impact with these supporting materials and start sharing immediately once you sign-up!
Need the right people around you to support your journey? Come for our weekly huddles. Whether you're looking to network, gain insights, or contribute your ideas, these Huddles will be the perfect platform.
C-Linkers! Starter Pack
Introduction templates for WhatsApp/Email/ FB, LinkedIn posts and Email
FAQs list
Quick intro brief on CBASS
Sharable brief about latest mission (PDF, PNG formats)
CBASS updates which we will share with you via periodic emails, our LinkedIn Page updates and YouTube channel.
Follow our social channels by clicking below:
C-Linker! Exclusive Access
Get access to exclusive content, deals and opportunities from the ecosystem to help you be empowered for your journey.
Weekly C-Linker! Huddles​​
Mondays at 6pm-6.30pm SGT
(11am-11.30am BST) on Zoom
These sessions are a space for like-minded individuals to interact with each other, learn more about what the association is doing, and explore how you can further the cause in an individual capacity.
Not sure how to respond to questions from others, or comments on a post? Or the next steps after you get the conversation going? The Huddles is the place to get the peer support you need to up your effective networking skills in the sustainability space. ​​​